Hi I'm Kush

and I am living an awesome life 36hrs at a time


Hey! 😃 My name is Kush Daga, welcome to this blog! This is my attempt to bring out the feelings and emotions of my day to day life in words. Now that you are here, let me tell you more about myself!

These are some things that would describe me as a person

Fullstack web developer, nerd, Machine learning and AI enthusiast, coder, guywithglasses

Daily Life

My day to day life consists of :

  • Going to college
  • Sleeping in the lectures
  • Reading new articles
  • Coding
  • Sleep again
  • Coffee
  • Blog(new addition)
  • Coding
  • Sleep

As you can tell, I love sleeping and coding, infact that is what takes up my whole day usually! I would love to collaborate with people and build some fancy stuff.

Hit me up if you wanna collab, coffee on me 😉

BTW I love HACKATHONS, if you have some great hackathon coming up ,do let me know!